see yourself here
What's that? You're bummed about the Pardos leaving and were hoping beyond hope that maybe there's a silver lining here? An upside for you and yours?
Well, never fear. The Pardos are irrationally upset about leaving you! And we're looking for a way to make ourselves feel better about it.
And we found one! As we say in Florida 🐊: nuestra casa es su casa, our home is your home 🏠
Introducing AirPnP: Air Pardos and Pals!
We'd be delighted if we could offer you a place to stay, to visit, to relax and hang out!
👉 Your stay comes with complimentary pool access, a wide array of Jewish amenities, a fully stocked mini-bar (did he really say that omg yes he did), a 12-minute drive to the beach 🏝 ... and us! (Yaak might be wearing clothes by now though... sorry.)
So come on down and join us. In our home. Whenever the heck you want.
Booking options below 👇
(also, yes, duh, you could just text me.... but the calendar is real)
This calendar is read-only. To submit a reservation, use the booking form below.